Sunday 29 March 2015

Kevin Ellul Bonici

Kevin Ellul Bonici is a former Malta senior police inspector who has earned a reputation as an apologist for disgraced former EU Commissioner John Dalli.

He is a bootlicker with a hidden agenda. After leaving  the Malta police force he gained employment in the eurosceptic EP group in Brussels where he worked for a number of years until he was dismissed on the 3rd February 2015.

How he managed to get employment in the EP group in Brussels is difficult to ascertain because in May 2002 he gained himself a criminal record for a hit and run incident in Malta.

Examining the newspaper article it is difficult to accept the account that Ellul Bonici gave to the court.

To lose a wing mirror in an accident and fail to notice it, is beyond anyone with common sense.

The noise would have been loud enough that any decent person would have stopped to check the vehicle.

The driver would have noticed that the wing mirror was missing as he/she was driving along. In this case Ellul Bonici failed to stop because he was driving without 
insurance cover. 

When his wife pointed out the wing mirror was missing and asked if he was involved in an accident he came  up with the story that he did not associate the missing mirror with the noise he had heard while driving past  the school children.

It just goes to show that for a police inspector Ellul Bonici never had much of an enquiring mind. He only admitted to the crime when the police approached him and produced the mirror found at the scene of the of the accident. 

As for the court proceedings these confirm that Magistrate Carol Peralta was unjustly lenient in this case. In all EU countries this would have been considered to be a very serious criminal case and the driver would have been charged with causing actual bodily harm, leaving the scene of the accident, driving without Insurance, dangerous driving and driving without due care and attention. He would also have been banned from driving for a period of time.

However, in this case the offender got away with a Lm300 fine (€1,000 approximately). Having good connections in Malta does help a person to get away with anything. 

As for Magistrate Carol Paralta he has gained a reputation of being Jack the Lad. Carol Peralta was up before the Commission for the Administration of Justice because of a Christmas party he had in a courtroom last year.

According to media reports  he was as drunk as a skunk, tried to undo his belt and unzip his fly to show his dick to a reporter because the Times of Malta newspaper had run a story assuming that Carol was a ‘she’.

He was smoking directly beneath a No Smoking  sign, the floor was littered with cigarette butts, the bench was used as a bar table with bottles of  alcohol, somebody had brought out a Christmas tree and a laptop  had been plugged into the courtroom amplifier system and was playing music. 

People present included policemen, Magistrate Herrera, lawyers pleading cases for and against, and some strange types who wandered in and out of the magistrate’s chamber, where confidential records and case files are kept. 

The latest episode concerning Kevin Ellul Bonici confirms how amateurish and foolish he is.

His latest pathetic behaviour raises many 
questions about his character.  

It is alleged that Kevin Ellul Bonici and three 
other men on the 10 December 2014 at around 1.30 p.m. distributed 751 books into MEP’s pigeonholes on the third floor of Altiero Spinelli building. 

The book titled Red Dalia was intended to 
defame the Lithuanian President. It was 

translated form Lithuanian to English.

This was done at great expense without the author’s knowledge 
and consent.

Evidence filmed on surveillance cameras show 
Kevin Ellul Bonici unloading the books from his car. Due to this he was dismissed from his employment.

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